Alt Bloom《Potential》[MP3-320K/7.4M]百度云盘下载

Alt Bloom《Potential》[MP3-320K/7.4M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-22 15:38:39625A+A-

Let's mess around and get hurt

Wear my Tom Petty shirt

Call me up at 2 am

At my door with all our friends

Little red sugar baby

Kim Petra kinda crazy

Looking at me one eye closed

Tongue out in that purple robe

Somebody please shake it shake it up

Real tired of close but giving up

LA full pretty faces yup

But I hope you got a big heart

Cause god damn

Yeah we got potential potentially

Come put your heart up on my sleeve

I like your sentiment on me

You could be the one

Or we could just have fun

Got potential potentially

Come put your heart up on my sleeve

I like your sentiment on me

You could be the one

This club is a circus

Really is a table worth it

I'd rather get back to chill

Then wondering who is real

At the Grand Canyon shirtless

Don't really got a purpose

Just trynna turn some heads

Thumbs up for a dying trend

Somebody please shake it shake it up

Real tired of close but giving up

LA full pretty faces yup

But I hope you gotta big heart

Cause god damn

Yeah we got potential potentially

Come put your heart up on my sleeve

I like your sentiment on me

You could be the one

Or we could just have fun

Got potential potentially

Come put your heart up on my sleeve

I like your sentiment on me

You could be the one

Or we could just have fun

You, yea you

Or we could just have fun

You yea you

You could be the one, oh


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