Tie Yann《Love and Light》[MP3-320K/7M]百度云盘下载

Tie Yann《Love and Light》[MP3-320K/7M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-29 17:18:00389A+A-

Someone doesn't have a heart

Someone can't get a hug

Someone could borrow love from others' nights

Somewhere we found a life

Some life we hold too tight

Some people never talked with love

They've lost their souls on mean moon

Dear friends tell me about your sorrow

Lend me some beautiful

We all know life is not perfect

Even though dear friends

Don't need to be so worried

On street dance with me

It is so nice to know you

Hug love

Somewhere we found a life

Some life we hold too tight

Some people never talked with love

They've lost their souls on mean moon

Dear friends tell me about your sorrow

Lend me some beautiful

We all know life is not perfect

Even though dear friends

Don't need to be so worried

On street dance with me

It is so nice to know you

Hug love

My love and light

Will go with you

Dear friends

Dear strangers



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  • Debris2024-06-05 17:05:57
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  • noah诺亚2024-06-08 19:06:30
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  • Evan尔文2024-06-17 23:48:51
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