мавлан музыка《Shahmen - Mark (EMR3YGUL Remix)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

мавлан музыка《Shahmen - Mark (EMR3YGUL Remix)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-04 20:07:10644A+A-

Skin the color of bark


Clothes smellin' like trees


Diggin' my earth, find my roots and ****s

挖掘记忆的岁月 追溯最初的根源

My truth bleeds right back in the arm


No scar, but I left my mark

没受过伤 但永远留下注射的瘢痕

My friend got clean and O.D.'ed, life is just that dark

我的朋友戒毒了 然后**过量 生活就是这么黑暗

Clothes smellin' like trees


Diggin' my earth, find my roots and ****s

挖掘记忆的岁月 追溯最初的根源

My truth bleeds right back in the arm


No scar, but I left my mark

没受过伤 但永远留下注射的瘢痕

My friend got clean and O.D.'ed, life is just that dark

我的朋友戒毒了 然后**过量 生活就是这么黑暗

But life is just that bright

但长夜漆黑 也将升起太阳

That when the sunset shines


I seen the graff he writes


I'm back tonight, with a sack to light

今晚我要回去 抽上一袋

In honor of the past I write

为了纪念过去(**故去的朋友)  我写下了这首歌

I'm wide open, with no glass of wine

我的胸怀敞亮 无需酒吐真言

Stuck in a barrel, I'll get better with time

像进橡木桶陈酿 随着时间发酵 我会越来越好

While you measure how the pleasure declines


I'm stackin' cheddar while the bread just rise

我一心制作音乐 努力攒钱

With my eyes and my ears glued here on my grind, cutty

全神贯注 苦练说唱咬字

Creepin' on a come up

(指Bone Thugs-N-Harmony的专辑Creepin On Ah Come Up)

Skin the color of bark


Clothes smellin' like trees


Diggin' my earth, find my roots and ****s

挖掘记忆的岁月 追溯最初的根源

My truth bleeds right back in the arm


No scar, but I left my mark

没受过伤 但永远留下注射的瘢痕

My friend got clean and O.D.'ed, life is just that dark

我的朋友戒毒了 然后**过量 生活就是这么黑暗

Clothes smellin' like trees


Diggin' my earth, find my roots and ****s

挖掘记忆的岁月 追溯最初的开始

My truth bleeds right back in the arm


No scar, but I left my mark

没受过伤 但永远留下注射的瘢痕

My friend got clean and O.D.'ed, life is just that dark

我的朋友戒毒了 然后**过量 生活就是这么黑暗

But life is just that bright

但长夜漆黑 也将升起太阳

That when the sunset shines


I seen the graff he writes


I'm back tonight, with a sack to light

今晚我要回去 抽上一袋

In honor of the past I write

为了纪念过去(**故去的朋友) 我写下了这首歌

I'm wide open, with no glass of wine

我的胸怀敞亮 无需酒吐真言

Stuck in a barrel, I'll get better with time

像进橡木桶陈酿 随着时间发酵 我会越来越好

While you measure how the pleasure declines


I'm stackin' cheddar while the bread just rise

我一心制作音乐 努力攒钱

With my eyes and my ears glued here on my grind, cutty

全神贯注 苦练说唱咬字

Creepin' on a come up

(指Bone Thugs-N-Harmony的专辑Creepin On Ah Come Up)

Hard work, and the crux that it made in us

努力工作 这是我们成功的关键

I'm 'bout to bust, all my veins full of gold dust

感觉快要崩溃 全身血管里流淌着金沙(意指***)

That 1985 California gold rush, in the spine plus the flesh that it holds up

像是重回1985年的加州淘金热 全靠脊柱支撑着躯体

I'm out for mines and my wolves got it sewn up

我为矿藏而来  灵魂的贪欲渐被缝合

One crow, one eagle on my shoulders


And my eyes hold the light that approaches




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