MYKEY《Why Baby Why》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

MYKEY《Why Baby Why》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-01 14:24:52712A+A-

What do you mean god gave me two left feet?

你说我笨手笨脚的 是什么意思

Shooting me glares from the passenger seat


Come on baby we got all dressed up

拜托 宝贝 我们打扮得这样精致

Won't you dance with me?


Why baby why do you give me trouble?

为什么 宝贝 为什么你要让我烦恼

I'm trying to hide as not to be seen

我只想躲起来 不想被人看见

But I know you mean well step on my feet

但我知道 虽然你让我不堪 但你也是好意

Come dance with me


Come on try to have a good time

来吧 一起度过欢乐时光

There's a punch bowl but you brought red wine

这里本来就有很多美酒 但你还是带来了红酒

Come on baby show me what's a good time

来吧 宝贝 让我体会一下快乐的感觉

Why baby why?

为什么 宝贝 为什么

Why must you play me like I play the guitar?


She made me jump into the reservoir


And go running 'til we fade to black

不顾一切 直到我们粉身碎骨

Like the movies do


Why baby why do you give me trouble?

为什么 宝贝 为什么你要让我烦恼

I'm trying to hide as not to be seen

我只想躲起来 不想被人看见

But I know you mean well step on my feet

但我知道 虽然你让我不堪 但你也是好意

Come dance with me


Come on try to have a good time

来吧 一起度过欢乐时光

There's a punch bowl but you brought red wine

这里本来就有很多美酒 但你还是带来了红酒

Come on baby show me what's a good time

来吧 宝贝 让我体会一下快乐的感觉

Why baby why?

为什么 宝贝 为什么

Come on try to have a good time

来吧 一起度过欢乐时光

There's a punch bowl but you brought red wine

这里本来就有很多美酒 但你还是带来了红酒

Come on baby show me what's a good time

来吧 宝贝 让我体会一下快乐的感觉

Why baby why?

为什么 宝贝 为什么


Come on baby show me what's a good time

来吧 宝贝 让我体会一下快乐的感觉

Why baby why?

为什么 宝贝 为什么


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