

视频访客2024-07-06 14:37:19316A+A-
导演: 邱瓈宽 / 黄朝亮 编剧: 简士耕 / 邱瓈宽 / 林明谦 / 李元璞 / 陈承祥 / 王也明 又名: 大尾流氓 / David Loman 资源类型:大尾鲈鳗百度网盘,ed2k下载,百度云盘 主演: 猪哥亮 / 郭采洁 / 杨祐宁 / 苗可丽 / 康晋荣 / 素珠 / 林美秀 / 王彩桦 / 陈博正 / 陈慕义 / 戎祥 / 马念先 / 应蔚民 / 赵舜 / 黄立成 / 邱逸峰 / 汤尼陈 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 动作 / 爱情 制片国家/地区: 中国台湾 语言: 汉语普通话 / 闽南语 上映日期: 2013-02-01(中国台湾) 片长: 98分钟 IMDb链接: tt2771932   剧情简介: 故事发生在八十年代的台湾,朱大德(猪哥亮 饰)本是一介平凡的摄影师,和女儿朱小芹(郭采洁 饰)过着相依为命的平静生活,之后,父女两人来到了大城市寻求发展,想要过上更好的生活。结果,在误打误撞之下,朱大德竟然成为了黑社会老大,他和朱小芹之间的关系亦因此而产生了裂痕。 某日,朱大德遇见了名为老贺(猪哥亮 饰)的算命先生,两人的样貌竟然惊人的相似,而老贺却也因此被人误认为是朱大德而丢了性命。老贺死后,留下了儿子贺翔(杨祐宁 饰)孤苦伶仃,于是,朱大德找到了贺翔,两人组成了“DL特工队”,和同父亲冰释前嫌的朱小芹一起,决心为老贺报仇。 While working for a gang boss, Zhu Da De unwittingly becomes the man in charge after accidentally setting off a major shootout that took out the rest of the gang. Renaming himself David Loman, Zhu Da De would stand at the top for over a decade. The price of Loman's fame and power is losing his daughter, who has become resentful towards him. When a fortune teller tells Loman to lie low for awhile or he will get killed, he decides to find a fengshui master who resembles him to to be his stand-in for a few days. After the decoy is assassinated, the real Loman decides to team up with the dead man's son to seek revenge and get rid of his enemies once and for all.   大尾鲈鳗.David.Loman.2013.BD720P.高清闽南语中字.mp4(2.25GB 资源:迅雷云盘 提取码:7g97 资源:百度网盘 提取码:kf9u
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