

视频访客2024-07-09 12:23:20246A+A-
导演: H. Vasu 主演: Darshan Thoogudeep / Isha Chawla / Vidisha / Chaitra Chandranath 资源类型:英明神武维拉特百度云盘,百度网盘,ed2k下载 类型: 剧情 / 动作 制片国家/地区: 印度 语言: 坎纳达语 上映日期: 2016-01-29(印度) 片长: 145分钟 IMDb链接: tt3686256   剧情简介: 维拉特是跨国公司总裁,财力雄厚,魅力十足,武力更是超群。不过,这都不是重点,重点是这么优秀的男人还是个单身汉,这就让三位美女看上了。一位是职场女性,一位是大家闺秀,一位是小辣妹。伴随着女主人公的出场,都会有一段歌舞,三位女性同时向维拉特表白并展开了追求。维拉特到底会选谁呢?他会认真对待吗?请从电影里找答案吧…… The story thinly revolves around power shortage aptly freshened up by ample doses of action, comedy and love. Viraat Prasad (Darshan) is a businessman who wants to provide a solution to the existing power problem and in consultation with the chief minister, a role played by Suhasini, he plans to build a thermal power project. Enter Surendra Singh (Ravi Shankar), an opportunist, who tries to distract the chief minister and take over the project. But the project is handed over to Viraat which does not go down well with Singh. Balancing the friction and the action is romance involving three ladies - Keerthi (Chaitra Chandranath), Spoorthi (Vidisha Srivastava) and Preethi (Isha Chawla), who are head over heels for Viraat, but the latter chooses one among them, managing to maintain his friendship with the other two. How does he handle Singh and the thermal project and who does he select as his love runs in parallel and forms the crux of the film.   英明神武维拉特.Viraat.2016.HD720P.印度语中字.mkv(2.33GB 资源:百度网盘 提取码:nmap
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