

视频访客2024-07-09 11:34:0791A+A-
导演: 冯小刚 编剧: 王朔 / 冯小刚 主演: 徐帆 / 郭涛 / 剧雪 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 中国 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 1994 片长: 90分钟 又名: Gone Forever with My Love IMDb链接: tt0185028   剧情简介: 热情幽默的青年苏凯对空姐林格格一见钟情,经过一番努力,终于用真诚打动了格格的心,二人迅速坠入情网。随后,苏凯用卖旧房得来的钱在公路旁买地建房,两人满心欢喜准备结婚。就在此时,苏凯因身体偶感不适去医院诊治,想不到诊断结果却是他得了一种叫做“性疾病”的不治之症,苏凯一下子陷入绝望。格格一边工作,一边沉浸在婚前的喜悦中,苏凯冷静下来后,为了不拖累年轻的格格,决定向格格隐瞒病情并提出分手。格格被苏凯强忍心痛赶出了门,格格的好友杨艳知道实情,留下来照料苏凯。善良的杨艳在照料的过程中,不知不觉爱上了个性坚强、心地善良的苏凯,苏凯在杨艳的安慰与鼓励下终于回应了这份爱情,随后含笑离开人世。多年以后.格格一家和杨艳一家一同在苏凯留下的小木屋中过着幸福的生活。 Su Kai is spunky but lonesome: his job takes him on long solitary drives across China. On a ferry, he meets two China Air flight attendants, Ge Ge and Yang Yan. He's smitten by Ge Ge, and within a few days, she agrees to move in with him. They borrow money, build a house, live in harmony, and plan a wedding. Then, a sudden turn of events brings a change in Su Kai; he becomes moody and remote. Is there any way Ge Ge can salvage their relationship? Su Kai's breakdown brings Yang Yan back into the picture as well, and her feelings become central to the story.   永失我爱.Gone.Forever.With.My.Love.1994.HDTV.国语.mkv(679MB 资源:百度网盘 提取码:k2vy
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