Dua Lipa《New Rules (Initial Talk Remix)》[MP3-320K/8.6M]百度云盘下载

Dua Lipa《New Rules (Initial Talk Remix)》[MP3-320K/8.6M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-10 12:59:11664A+A-

Talking in my sleep at night makin' myself crazy

当我在夜里安然入睡 你在我耳边窃窃私语让我陷入疯狂

Out of my mind out of my mind

失去理智 失去理智

Wrote it down and read it out hopin' it would save me

写下求救信号 大声呼救 希望这一切可以将我拯救

Too many times too many times

太多时候 太多时候

My love he makes me feel like nobody else nobody else

他让我只觉非他不可 非他不可

But my love he doesn't love me so I tell myself I tell myself

但是亲爱的 他并不爱我 所以 我告诉自己 我告诉自己

One don't pick up the phone

第一 不要接他的电话

You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone

你知道 他只会在寂寞或喝醉时才会打来电话

Two don't let him in

第二 不要让他走进你的心

You'll have to kick him out again


Three don't be his friend

第三 别当他所谓的朋友

You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning


And if you're under him you ain't getting over him

而如果你放低姿态 就无法将他彻底忘记

I got new rules I count 'em

我对自己有了新要求 一条条谨记

I got new rules I count 'em

我为自己定下了新规矩 一遍遍谨记

I gotta tell them to myself


I got new rules I count 'em

我对自己有了新要求 一条条谨记

I gotta tell them to myself


I keep pushin' forwards but he keeps pullin' me backwards

我一直努力向前 但他一直让我后退

Nowhere to turn no way


Nowhere to turn no


Now I'm standing back from it I finally see the pattern

如今 我回到原地我终于看清了他的伎俩

I never learn I never learn

我从不吸取教训 我从不吸取教训

But my love he doesn't love me so I tell myself I tell myself

但是亲爱的 他并不爱我 所以 我告诉自己 我告诉自己

I do I do I do

我愿意 我愿意 我愿意

One don't pick up the phone

第一 不要接他的电话

You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone

你知道 他只会在寂寞或喝醉时才会打来电话

Two don't let him in

第二 不要让他走进你的心

You'll have to kick him out again


Three don't be his friend

第三 别当他所谓的朋友

You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning


And if you're under him you ain't getting over him

而如果你放低姿态 就无法将他彻底忘记

I got new rules I count 'em

我对自己有了新要求 一条条谨记

I got new rules I count 'em

我为自己定下了新规矩 一遍遍谨记

I gotta tell them to myself


I got new rules I count 'em

我对自己有了新要求 一条条谨记

I gotta tell them to myself


Practice makes perfect


I'm still tryna learn it by heart I got new rules I count 'em

我仍然努力用心去学习 我对自己有了新要求 一条条谨记

Eat sleep and breathe it

吃饭 睡觉 呼吸

Rehearse and repeat it 'cause I I got new

这样的日子循环往复 因为我定下了 定下了 新的规矩

One don't pick up the phone yeah

第一 不要接他的电话

You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone alone

你知道 他只会在寂寞或喝醉时才会打来电话

Two don't let him in uh ooh

第二 不要让他走进你的心

You'll have to kick him out again again


Three don't be his friend

第三 别当他所谓的朋友

You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning


And if you're under him you ain't getting over him

而如果你放低姿态 就无法将他彻底忘记

I got new rules I count 'em

我对自己有了新要求 一条条谨记

I got new rules I count 'em

我为自己定下了新规矩 一遍遍谨记

Whoa ooh whoa ooh whoa

I gotta tell them to myself


I gotta tell them to myself


Don't let him in don't let him in

不要让他进入你的心 不要让他进入你的心

Don't don't don't don't

不要 不要 不要

Don't be his friend don't be his friend

不要做他的朋友 不要做他的朋友

Don't don't don't don't

不要 不要 不要

Don't let him in don't let him in

不要让他进入你的心 不要让他进入你的心

Don't don't don't don't

不要 不要 不要

Don't be his friend don't be his friend

不要做他的朋友 不要做他的朋友

Don't don't don't don't

不要 不要 不要

You're getting over him




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