

视频访客2024-07-09 14:26:50910A+A-
导演: Marc Fafard 主演: George Morris 制片国家/地区: 加拿大 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2002-10-11 IMDb链接: tt0353164   剧情简介: 一个掌管着数亿资产的企业家热衷于某种冒险体育活动,这种舍身家性命不顾的行为令不少人大惑不解。攀登者的勇气来自强健的体格和娴熟的登山技巧,本片探讨“到底什么是胆量”。 胆量是经营决策者不可或缺的品质。对于任何一个经营者,无法回避的问题是,你必须在复杂多变的市场环境中求得生存和发展,必须直面各种不确定性风险带来的挑战。无数事实说明,有了善于审时度势、选择正确、决策果断的经营者,对于一家企业保持长盛不衰是何等的重要。 “胆大为王”是对“有胆有识”的一种诠释,并不代表脱离现实的武断和蛮乾,而是代表着坚持用缜密思维和科学方法应对“不测风云”,代表着经过仔细观察和深思熟虑后作出的正确决择。“胆大为王”又是对“谨小慎微”和“优柔寡断”的否定。 Adrenaline Rush: the Science of Risk takes a look at the world of skydiving and base jumping - parachuting from a building, a bridge or a cliff. While providing breathtaking views of skydiving over the Florida Keys, the Mojave Desert and in the magnificent Fjords of Norway, this giant-screen experience explores the psychological and physiological forces behind risk-taking, and the physics involved in these activities. In doing so, it also shows us how risk-taking is part of everyday life. The storyline focuses on two risk-takers, Adrian Nicholas and Katarina Ollikainen. Nicholas, a veteran skydiver who has performed thousands of jumps, is the record holder for the longest unassisted human flight, a 4-minute 55-second flight at speeds of up to 200 kilometers/hour that took place in 1999. Adrenaline Rush even allows spectators to directly experience a base jump thanks to a camera strapped to one of the professional jumpers who took part in the film. You can live through a 1300-meter (4150 feet) jump from a legendary cliff in Norway, the Katthammaren Wall.   极限飞跃:冒险的内涵.Adrenaline.Rush.Tsor.2002.BD720P.中文字幕.mp4(407MB 资源:UC网盘 普通用户也不限速哦~资源:百度网盘 提取码:6frw
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