

视频访客2024-07-09 14:23:0093A+A-
导演: 钱月笙 编剧: 李炯佳 主演: 郑则士 资源类型:捉鬼合家欢百度云盘,百度网盘,ed2k下载 类型: 喜剧 / 恐怖 / 家庭 / 奇幻 制片国家/地区: 中国香港 语言: 粤语 上映日期: 1990-02-23 片长: Hong Kong: 96 分钟 又名: 五鬼运财 / The Spooky Family IMDb链接: tt0101015   剧情简介: 诸葛孔平(郑则仕 饰)乃诸葛亮第十八代子孙,他精通天文地理,平时还爱搞些发明创造,不断钻研捉鬼新法。而孔平之妻王慧(王小凤 饰)亦精通名理,功力了得,却又是一善妒之人,经常怀疑丈夫与他的师妹(利智 饰)旧情未了,醋意大发。 灵幻界败类天下第一茅(楼南光 饰)嫉恨诸葛孔平的才能,以“西双版纳铜甲尸”为诱饵设下圈套,以图破坏孔平功力。孔平虽尽力对阵,却因老婆和师妹争风吃醋难有所成。而铜甲尸更破坏诸葛家的封鬼库,惹得群鬼出笼…… Hung Ping is a "ghostbuster", vampire buster and scientist in early 20th century China. He's a very talented wizard but there's not much call for people in his line of work. He shares his home with his extremely jealous wife, a successful and talented fortune teller, plus his dim-witted son and assistant Ming, his beautiful and talented daughter Fa, and their Ghost Servant. The story resolves around Hung Ping's efforts to capture and control "the Copper Vampire", a bloodthirsty demon on the rampage. Unfortunately, the bloodthirsty demon brings back luck to whoever holds him. 资源:百度网盘 提取码:u7uj
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