

视频访客2024-07-09 14:32:37112A+A-
导演: 姜国民 编剧: 王晶 资源类型:撕票风云百度云盘,百度网盘,ed2k下载 主演: 苗侨伟 / 任达华 / 陈法拉 / 刘洋 / 安志杰 / 黄德斌 / 瞿颖 / 王子涵 / 释彦能 / 陈宝辕 类型: 动作 / 惊悚 制片国家/地区: 中国香港 语言: 粤语 上映日期: 2010-01-07 片长: 93 分钟 又名: 黑白战警 / 变种警察 / Black Ransom IMDb链接: tt1572168   剧情简介: 连串黑帮老大遭绑架、勒索以及撕票,警方对此案调查毫无头绪。警队B组队长张博文(任达华 饰)曾为警队立下汗马功勋,但从其妻子遭黑帮报复被杀后,加上A组队长的排挤,他开始消极处世。警方接到报案,又一黑帮头目遭绑架,新任总警司古国强(陈法拉 饰)召集两组人马对此案展开全面侦察。由于A组队长轻敌,加之犯罪分子做案手法高明,配合严密,在一次行动中警方遭受重创。此时,在古警司的请求下,张博文带领手下仅有的两名探员开始暗中调查此案。经过慎密调查之后,张博文把犯罪分子的头目目标锁定为曾为警方督察的何湛森(苗侨伟 饰),他的手下包括多名原飞虎队成员,而何湛森绑架黑帮老大的真实目的是为其被黑帮报复杀害的弟弟的报仇…… Before his wife was murdered, Inspector Mann Cheung (Simon Yam) was a model to young detectives. However, with his wife's death, he was indulged in deep sorrow and became downhearted and dispirited. Not only was his detective image affected, his relationship with his daughter Yan (Wada Hiromi) also went downhill. The new superintendent Koo Kwok-keung (Fala Chen) assigned him to take charge of a series of kidnapping cases. Several triad leaders were kidnapped, held to ransom and murdered. The modus operandi was violent, brutal, professional and efficient. Mann soon discovers that the gang of kidnappers were former members of the Special Duties Unit, led by Sam Ho (Michael Miu) and his girlfriend, Can (Qu Ying), a former member of the VIP Protection Unit, who were familiar with the police modus operandi and were able to escape from apprehension. Sam also discovers that Mann is after him. A duel to the death between the two elites of the police force is ensured.   撕票风云.2010.BD720P中字.mp4(1.09GB 资源:百度网盘 提取码:9tze
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