Katy Perry《Miss You More》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Katy Perry《Miss You More》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-10 11:45:48222A+A-

Saw your picture on accident


Your face has changed


The lines are sinking in


I pressed play I should haven't

我开始追忆过去 我本不应该如此

Congratulations but do you ever wonder what we could have been

恭喜你 如今功成名就 可你是否想起过 我们昔日的美好

But your mind plays tricks with distance

但我并不懂你的幽默 我们截然不同

Always makes things feel so unfinished

因此我们之间 似乎总有种缺憾

I miss you more than I loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

I do


I miss you more than I loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

I miss you more than I loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

I do


I miss you more than I'd loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

Saw a balloon floating away

我看到 一个气球飞上蓝天 越飘越远

I thought did someone let go or did they lose it

我想 它是被人们放飞的 还是不小心被人们遗失的

So strange you know all my secrets

这种感觉如此奇怪 你知道我所有的秘密

Please keep them safe


And darling you know I'll do the same

亲爱的 你知道我并不后悔

The window no longer in existence

尽管我们之间 不再有任何可能

Baby you'll always be in my orbit

可是宝贝 你永远在我心中 伴我前行

I miss you more than I loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

I do


I miss you more than I loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

I miss you more than I loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

Oh I do


I miss you more than I'd loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

We were a match but not a fake

我们之间 像是一场纵情的角逐

We were a dream unrealistic

我们之间 像是一个完美的梦境

We didn't lose we didn't win


Sometimes I wonder what we could have been

有时我甚至在想 我们还能为彼此做些什么

I miss you more than I loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

Oh I do


I miss you more than I loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

I miss you more than I loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

Oh I do


I miss you more than I'd loved you

我对你的想念 比对你的爱要多

You'll always be in my orbit

你永远在我心中 伴我前行

You'll always be in my orbit

你永远在我心中 伴我前行

You'll always be in my orbit

你永远在我心中 伴我前行



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