

音频访客2024-07-10 6:50:40286A+A-

Watching the video that you sent me


The one where you're showering with wet hair dripping

还记得那天 你头发湿漉漉还没擦干呢

You know that I'm obsessed with your body


But it's the way you smile that does it for me


It's so sweet, knowing that you love me

知道你也爱上我 多么的甜蜜

Though we don't need to say it to each other, sweet

我们彼此心照不宣 宝贝

Knowing that I love you, and running my fingers through your hair

我也深爱着你 每次拨弄你的头发都是莫大的享受

It's so sweet

两情相悦 多么甜蜜

Watching the video where you're lying


In your red lingerie ten times nightly

红色性感的** 让我夜不能寐

You know I think your skin's the perfect color


But it's always your eyes that pull me under

每一次注视你的眼睛 都是不由自主的沉沦

It's so sweet, knowing that you love me

知道你也爱上我 多么的甜蜜

Though we don't need to say it to each other, sweet

我们彼此心照不宣 宝贝

Knowing that I love you, and running my fingers through your hair

我也深爱着你 每次拨弄你的头发都是莫大的享受

It's so sweet

两情相悦 多么甜蜜

And I will gladly break it, I will gladly break my heart for you

我愿意 我愿意将我整颗心奉献给你 即使你想让它破碎

And I will gladly break it, I will gladly break my heart for you

我愿意 我愿意将我整颗心奉献给你 即使你想让它破碎

And I will gladly break it, I will gladly break my heart for you

我愿意 我愿意将我整颗心奉献给你 即使你想让它破碎

And I will gladly break it, I will gladly break my heart for you

我愿意 我愿意将我整颗心奉献给你 即使你想让它破碎

It's so sweet, knowing that you love me

知道你也爱上我 多么的甜蜜

Though we don't need to say it to each other, sweet

我们彼此心照不宣 宝贝

Knowing that I love you, and running my fingers through your hair

我也深爱着你 每次拨弄你的头发都是莫大的享受

It's so sweet

两情相悦 多么甜蜜


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  • 6条评论
  • Ineedyou!2024-06-21 14:21:41
  • 不错不错感谢

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