

音频访客2024-08-07 18:02:57172A+A-

Fallen in love


I feel like I’m feel like I’m in a daze

恍惚情迷其间 难以自拔

Under the sun


Here and there I don’t know where which way

前方四途 我不知何去何从

I had to take a look inside of me


Figure out what I really need, Baby so

探清真心所渴望的 究竟是何物

Went outside and found the inner peace

所以亲爱的 踏出尘封的脑海 寻觅心灵宁静吧

I could let it all go

我要将心底的包袱 抛掷脑后

Baby girl you were the one, who showed me how to love

亲爱的女孩 你便是我此生唯一 令我懂得如何去爱

And baby girl you were the one who taught me

你对我 毫不厌倦地 悉心引导

And baby girl you are the one who showed me where to go

为我指明 前行的方向

And baby girl you are the one that is my heart

而我心田 所珍藏的 也正是你

Now that you're here I don’t have to wait around

此刻你已翩跹而来 我难以按捺内心

Take my hand we could fly above the clouds

牵着我的手 共同飞跃云端之上吧

Just me and you yeah baby us two

仅此你我二人 亲爱的

Us two us two us two

我们两人相伴 便好

Now that you're here I don’t have to wait around

此刻你已翩跹而来 我难以按捺内心

Take my hand we could fly above the clouds

牵着我的手 共同飞跃云端之上吧

Just me and you yeah baby us two

仅此你我二人 亲爱的

Us two us two us two

我们两人相伴 便好

Fallen in love


There’s nobody but you

视野中 唯独你一人

That I would spend my life with no

我将义无反顾 为你献予我的一生

I wouldn’t know what to do without you

没有你的陪伴 我将不知所措

Baby girl you were the one

亲爱的女孩 你便是我此生唯一

Who showed me how to love


And baby girl you were the one who taught me

你对我 毫不厌倦地 悉心引导

And baby girl you are the one who showed me where to go

为我指明 前行的方向

And baby girl you are the one that is my heart

而我心田 所珍藏的 也正是你

I’d let you get right don’t have to wait around

我将顺你心意 你也无需徘徊空候

Take my hand we could fly above the clouds

牵着我的手 共同飞跃云端之上吧

It's me and you yeah baby us two

仅此你我二人 亲爱的

Us two us two us two

我们两人相伴 便好

Now that you're here I don’t have to wait around

我将顺你心意 你也无需徘徊空候

Take my hand we could fly above the clouds

牵着我的手 共同飞跃云端之上吧

It's me and you yeah baby us two

仅此你我二人 亲爱的

Us two us two us two

我们两人相伴 便好

Now that you're here I don’t have to wait around

我将顺你心意 你也无需徘徊空候

Take my hand we could fly above the clouds

牵着我的手 共同飞跃云端之上吧

It's me and you yeah baby us two

仅此你我二人 亲爱

Us two us two us two

我们两人相伴 便好

I’d let you get right don’t have to wait around

我将顺你心意 你也无需徘徊空候

Take my hand we could fly above the clouds

牵着我的手 共同飞跃云端之上吧

It's me and you yeah baby us two

仅此你我二人 亲爱

Us two us two us two

我们两人相伴 便好

Me and you and us two yeah yeah

唯独你我 那就是最好的结局



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