

音频访客2024-08-08 17:14:12253A+A-

I think we could do it if we tried

如果尝试过 我想我们会成功的

If only to say, you're mine

要我说 我只会说你唯我独有

Sofia know that you and I

索菲亚啊 要知道你和我

Shouldn't feel like a crime

我们相爱 不算是罪过

I think we could do it if we tried

如果尝试过 我想我们会成功的

If only to say, you're mine

要我说 我只会说你唯我独有

Sofia know that you and I

索菲亚啊 要知道你和我

Shouldn't feel like a crime

我们相爱 不算是罪过

You know


I'll do anything you ask me to


But oh my god


I think I'm in love with you


Standing here alone now


Think that we can drive around


I just want to say


How I love you with your hair down


Baby you don't got to fight

亲爱的 不要再试着反抗

I'll be here til the end of time

我会等着你 到时间的尽头

Wishing that you were mine


Pull you in, it's alright

让你融入我的生命 这样就对了

I think we could do it if we tried

如果尝试过 我想我们会成功的

If only to say, you're mine

要我说 我只会说你唯我独有

Sofia know that you and I

索菲亚啊 要知道你和我

Shouldn't feel like a crime

我们相爱 不算是罪过

Honey, I don't want it to fade

亲爱的 我不想就此远去

There's things that I know could get in the way

还有一些事情挡在我的面前 我无法脱身

But, I don't want to say goodbye


And I think that we could do it if we tried

如果尝试过 我想我们就摆脱世俗的偏见

I think we could do it if we tried

如果尝试过 我想我们会成功的

If only to say, you're mine

要我说 我只会说你唯我独有

Sofia know that you and I

索菲亚啊 要知道你和我

Shouldn't feel like a crime

我们相爱 不算是罪过

I think we could do it if we tried

如果尝试过 我想我们会成功的

I think we could do it if we tried

如果尝试过 我想我们会成功的

Sofia know that you and I

索菲亚啊 要知道你和我

Shouldn't feel like a crime

我们相爱 就是道德

Sofia know that you and I

索菲亚啊 要知道你和我

Shouldn't feel like a crime

我们相爱 就是道德


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