

音频访客2024-08-28 16:48:04542A+A-

Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky

Tell me that I'll be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds flying high

Tell me it will be alright

眼前的路 看似有点模糊 我看不清楚

我甩不掉 心中那份绝望 该死的绝望

好想飞到 没有人的地方

在那地方 彻底把它埋葬

望着天空吶喊 请你还我自由

Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky

Tell me that I'll be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds flying high

Tell me it will be alright

星光闪烁 给了无数承诺 煽情的烟火

厌倦谎言 厌倦人间是非 该死的是非

好想飞到 最遥远的地方

在那地方 万物都是善良

望着天空吶喊 请你还我希望

Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky

Tell me that I'll be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds flying high

Tell me it will be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky

Tell me that I'll be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds flying high

Tell me it will be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky

Tell me that I'll be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds flying high

Tell me it will be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds flying high

Tell me we will be alright



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