Hayley Mary《Chemtrails Over The Country Club》[MP3-320K/10.6M]百度云盘下载

Hayley Mary《Chemtrails Over The Country Club》[MP3-320K/10.6M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-08-28 20:33:5763A+A-

I'm on the run with you, my sweet love


There's nothing wrong contemplating God


Under the chemtrails over the country club


Wearin' our jewels in the swimming pool

翠绕珠围 在泳池中嬉闹

Me and my sister just playin' it cool

我和好姐妹纵情玩乐 却佯装沉闷

Under the chemtrails over the country club


Take out your turquoise and all of your jewels


Go to the market, the kids' swimming pools

我们去购物 将孩子们置之泳池而不顾

Baby, what's your sign? My moon's in Leo, my Cancer is sun

宝贝 你的星座是什么? 我的月亮星座是狮子座 我的太阳星座是巨蟹座

'Won't Play, 'no fun

你不信星座那套? 那可真是无趣

Hey, I don't care what they think

嗨 反正我不在意她们怎么想

Drag racing my little red sports car


I'm not unhinged or unhappy, I'm just wild

我并没有精神失常 抑不是郁郁寡欢 只是生性狂野罢了

I'm on the run with you, my sweet love


There's nothing wrong contemplating God


Under the chemtrails over the country club


Wearin' our jewels in the swimming pool

翠绕珠围 在泳池中嬉闹

Me and my sister just playin' it cool

我和好姐妹纵情玩乐 却佯装沉闷

Under the chemtrails over the country club


Meet you for coffee at the primary schools

偶尔小聚 在小学附近喝杯咖啡

We laugh about nothing as the summer gets cool

我们拉扯闲谈 互相取乐 任秋风渐渐拂去酷暑

It's beautiful, LSD, normality settles down over me

生活是如此美好而让人着迷 但平凡的作息却妄图将我束缚

I'm not bored or unhappy, I'm still so strange and wild

我才没有感到烦闷 仍然像过去一样奇丽又狂野

You're in the wind, I'm in the water

清风吹拂着你 水波荡漾着我

Nobody's son, nobody's daughter


Watching the chemtrails over the country club

驻足凝望着 乡村俱乐部上空划过的航迹云

Suburbia, The Brentwood Market


What to do next? Maybe we'll love it

接下来要做些什么呢? 也许我们将会爱上

White picket, chemtrails over the country club

那漆得雪白的栅栏 交映着乡村俱乐部上空划过的航迹云

My love, my love

我的挚爱 我的挚爱……

Washing my hair, doing the laundry

梳洗我的秀发 清洗我的衣物

Late night TV, I want you on me

深夜里电视播放着 我希望你倾覆于我

Like when we were kids under chemtrails and country clubs

正如孩提时 我们望着乡村俱乐部上空划过的航迹云那样

It's never too late, baby, so don't give up

现在还不算太迟 亲爱的 请不要放弃

It's never too late, baby, so don't give up

现在还不算太迟 亲爱的 请不要放弃

I'm on the run with you, my sweet love


There's nothing wrong contemplating God


Under the chemtrails over the country club


Wearin' our jewels in the swimming pool (You're born in December and I'm born in June)

翠绕珠围 在泳池中嬉闹(你生于十二月 而我生于六月)

Me and my sister just playin' it cool

我和好姐妹纵情玩乐 却佯装沉闷

Under the chemtrails over the country club (My Cancer is sun and my Leo is moon)

在乡村俱乐部上空划过的航迹云下(我的太阳星座是巨蟹座 而我的月亮星座是狮子座)

I'm on the run with you, my sweet love (You're born in December and I'm born in June)

亲爱的 我与你一同奔走劳碌(你生于十二月 而我生于六月)

Under the chemtrails over the country club




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