Ed Sheeran《Visiting Hours》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Ed Sheeran《Visiting Hours》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-02 16:27:3749A+A-

I wish that heaven had visiting hours


So I could just show up and bring the news

以便我现身 并捎去

That she’s getting older


I wish that you’d met her


‘The things that she'll learn from me, I got them all from you

因为她将从我这学到的 尽数是我在你那里的所得

Can I just stay a while and we’ll put all the world to rights

我能否停留片刻 我们会让全世界都重回正轨

The little ones will grow, and il still drink your favourite wine

小孩子们终会长大 我仍将喝着你最爱的酒

Soon they’re gonna close but il see you another day

探望时间不久便要结束了 但我会改天与你相见

So much has changed since you’ve been away

自你离开以来 已然时过境迁

I wish that heaven had visiting hours


So I could just swing by and ask your advice


What would you do in my situation

与我将心比心 你会何去何从

I haven’t a clue how I’d even raise them

怎么去抚育他们 我都毫无头绪

What would you do?


‘Cause you always do what’s right


Can we talk a while until my worries disappear

我们能否聊一会儿天 直到拂去我的担忧

And I’d tell you that I’m scared of turning out a Failure

我会向你倾诉 我畏惧结果会是一败涂地

You’d say “Remember that the answer’s in the love that we create”

你语重心长 “记住,答案在于我们营造的爱”

So much has changed since you’ve been away

自你离开以来 已然时过境迁

I wish that heaven had visiting hours


I would ask them if I could take you home

我会询问 是否可以带你回家

But I know they’d say, that it’s for the best

但我明白答案是 如今已是最好的结局

So I will live life the way you taught me

所以我会依照你的谆谆教导 去面对生活

And make it on my own


And I will close the door but I will open up my heart

我会关上这扇门 但我会敞开心扉

And everyone I love will know exactly who you are

我深爱着的每一个人 都会明晰你的身份

‘Cause this is not goodbye, it just until we meet again

因为这不是告别 我们来日方长

So much has changed since you’ve been away

自你离开以来 已然时过境迁



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