Rich Brian《New Tooth》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Rich Brian《New Tooth》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-10 19:06:3331A+A-

It's a simple question do you got it or not

这是很简单的问题 你到底有没有理解

I've been talking to God, bout the garages for the crib

一直我都向上帝谈论着 我屋里车库的问题

that I still haven't bought, boat rockin my thoughts going too fast

然而至今为止 我仍无法购买下来

I'm not rational I need the 42 on the rocks, wait uh

争端不断 我思绪凌乱

难以理喻啊 我只能靠着42年的酒来平复心情

I'm the ambassador, meaning I gas up the land I came from

身为宣传大使 我令家乡的形象辉煌

make it rain and the money lookin like ransoms

赚钱如雨下 金额堪比索要的赎金

and my brain always steady demanding answers,

我坚信我终会趋向理智 寻求到正解

I've been feeling like I'm fighting with my thoughts


and the mothaf**ka benching alot, punchin the bag while he listenin to The Box

但那群人伺机埋伏 听着电视里传出的声响 边锤着沙包

uh uh I'm boutta get my sh*t rocked, uh uh I need to call up my pops

我将准备干大事 该给父亲打通电话询问下意见

I'm killing the pain


I'm feeling the change


I'm a villain to ones that wanna sh*t on my name

曾践踏我风闻的人 我定得给他颜色瞧瞧

You better think twice about the moves that you make


when your heart is closed man the truth is erased

当你将心门紧闭 真相将会被抹去


Don't disturb I'm in the booth

别打扰我 我心无旁骛


My neck shiny like my tooth



Yo b**ch tryna reproduce



DMs open imma shoot

把私信打开 我要畅所欲言


Don't disturb I'm in the booth

别打扰我 我心无旁骛


My neck shiny like my tooth



Yo b**ch tryna reproduce



DMs open imma

把私信打开 我要畅所欲言

I got options lil b**ch you do not know where I been

我仍有退路 你根本就不知我的过往

France 7 AM I'm a fan of menages

法国早晨七点钟 我沉浸在家务的快乐中

landed up in Japan fill my body with toxins

刚在日本着陆 我的身体积攒着毒素

More of the reason to leave my inhibitions I'm breathing in tobacco smoke

这让我难以专心致志 吸着烟草 吞云吐雾

I eat the roach, and then I do my deepest stroke,

吃着鳊鱼 我准备干大事

I'm boutta run a mile on these b**ches


I'm chiropractin to crack smiles on these b**ches

像脊柱按摩师那样 对着那群人挤出笑容

I'm 21 tryna make 9-10 million, 29 crib bout size of the Pentagon

我才21岁就赚了很多钱 或许在29岁那年 别墅该更宽敞吧

Just got the shoes as red as filet mignons

新买的靴子鲜艳 就像菲力牛排

Coochie got magic I thought she was Hermion

那女孩满是魅力 迷得我魂牵梦萦

..I meant Hermione, uh

呃 确实很迷人

Switch environment I'm feeling uninspired

身边环境不再 我灵感源泉难有

What's better a sip of gin or finding my soul & clarity

我该何从下手 选择喝杜松子酒 还是去找寻我澄澈的灵魂

I'm burying my sins the blessing is all my evidence

我将曾经的罪邪都掩盖 祝愿是我全部的证明

I'm a business man without a business plan, racks on planet fitness, abracadabra no illuminati ain't the mantra uh

我不曾计划过任何商业活动 专注着在健身俱乐部花大钱 念着咒语 这不是光明会 才不是什么暗号

I ain't f**kin you unless it's tantric

若不是密宗要求 我才懒得理你

Gotta walk out slowly I'm usually dramatic

我得悄咪咪溜出去 否则会招来风波

Imma raw dog life I ain't doin no habits

美满如愿的生活 让我就没有过任何习惯

I'm a star from the start they be callin' me Patrick, In a...

与生俱来的巨星体质 他们都喊我派大星呢

white girl mouth like a giant tarantula


(Beat switch)

I've been dealing with some whack a** mothaf**kas thinkin they could back stab

同一群混蛋打交道 总认为他们会背后捅我刀

make em feel the pain like I'm in Jackass

我要让他们品味到痛苦的滋味 就像我在Jackass节目里那样

Hit it I'm livid I'm rippin out the page they been asking where the raps at

赶紧行动吧 我暴跳如雷 撕毁了稿纸 他们问我写的说唱在哪

Ion need the bread imma give it to the fam

我不需要金钱 我都会给我的家人们

Get the job done like Task Rabbit

像在Task Rabbit网站上完成任务

puff on the gas I cannot find the passion

抽着烟 热情不复存在

on my cashapp err day lookin at coins


like what am I doing like where do I go

我到底在做什么 我该何去何从

Man I really gotta get the right dose

伙计 我需要把握好适当的尺度 really gotta come to my shows when this sh*t is open

这次歌发行后 你肯定回来看我表演

Rock the Chanel like my name Frank Ocean

身穿香奈儿 名号如Frank Ocean响当

I dress well you on that VLone sh*t uh

我穿搭超赞 你穿着VLone

I'm paying all the bills tho


money been multiplying like a nympho


do I really need a crib on the hills tho?


It's prolly gon be good for my mental I..


Pop out, man I was a dropout

曾辍学回家 但现在我终于熬出头

whip louder than the rappers arguing on Clubhouse

豪车驾驶而来的响声 堪比夜店里的说唱歌手

Imma throw the hands whenever I go on a run now

无论我前赴何方 我都将高举起双手

wanna start but don't when to do it like I'm Bow Wow

想启程但不知道还待何时 就像Bow Wow那样

stop the hate just walk away lil b**ch

别再记恨我 快躲远些吧

they gon make it home and see the kids


I'm awake and I ain't duckin now

现在我很清醒 不会再遮掩

peace and quiet sh*t running outta style


Ma callin up like stay home


f**k the sessions that u got tell em you can't make the drive

你得告诉他们还有事要忙 还不能尽情驰骋

they spraying on a bad day, saw that d*mn quote Ion know if I got 911 to dial

我难熬的日子里 他们还在胡言 看着那些话我在想自己要不要去报警

This sh*t done make me cry

事已至此 我真得想哭出来

Man this sh*t ain't civilized

伙计啊 这真不礼貌

I ain't born to die...


I need to stay awhile



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