

音频访客2024-09-16 17:15:2129A+A-

Last time love lost its halo

But the memory is in lovely soul

你的 轮廓在心口

那些刺痛 都化为乌有

Perhaps doom can be controlled

Prepare for the worst

爱情 却纵横交错

比生活 难得多

What kind of man I should present to you

How can I get rid of trouble with you

眼泪不肯走 骄傲却逗留

和过去 说分手 誓不回头

而我 不再为 你故作 沉默

Perhaps doom can be controlled

Prepare for the worst

如果 潮水退去后

你是否 还爱我

What kind of man I should present to you

How can I get rid of trouble with you

最耀眼的路 余悸而孤独

有了你 我就满足

I believe the fate in mazy world

Meeting in brilliance must be love's appeal

我一路回首 也一路拥有

为了你 为相爱 冲破阻碍

My love I never leave you forever



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  • 9条评论
  • Philip2024-06-18 20:37:08
  • 不错不错感谢
  • End2024-06-23 11:06:29
  • 不错不错感谢
  • AngryBirds2024-06-19 09:09:05
  • 不错不错感谢

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