Lana Del Rey《Fuck it I love you》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Lana Del Rey《Fuck it I love you》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-23 18:26:11210A+A-

I like to see everything in neon

我喜欢看 霓虹灯照耀于万物之上

Drink lime green stay up 'til dawn

小嘬一口美酒 直待那黎明破晓

Maybe the way that I'm living is killing me

也许我生活的方式 正将我引向深渊

I like to light up the stage with a song

我却热爱着 挥洒歌唱去点亮舞台

Do s**t to keep me turned on

这一切所作所为 让我始终激情满怀

But one day I woke up like

但总有一天 当我醒来我又会想到

"Maybe I'll do it differently"

也许今天 我要做一些改变

So I moved to California but it's just a state of mind

启程去往加州 跨越幻想中的州际

It turns out everywhere you go you take yourself that's not a lie

无论你去往何处 你在乎的只你自己 绝非我信手拈来

Wish that you would hold me or just say that you were mine

多希望你还能够将我搂进胸怀 或只要一句你属于我

It's killing me slowly


Dream a little dream of me


Make me into something sweet


Turn the radio on dancing to a pop song

打开收音机 跟着电台的流行歌翩翩起舞

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

I really do


I used to shoot up my veins in neon

我曾在霓虹灯下 向血脉里注射着液体

And s**t's even brighter you're gone

这一切因此更加闪亮 而你却早已不在

So many things I would say to you


I want you


You moved to California but it's just a state of mind

你搬到了加州 那幻想中的存在

And you know everyone adores you


You can't feel it and you're tired

你无法感受 但我知道你早已疲倦

Baby wish that you would hold me or just say that you were mine

多希望你还能够将我搂进胸怀 或只要一句你属于我

But it's killing me slowly


Dream a little dream of me


Turn this into something sweet


Turn the radio on dancing to a pop song

打开收音机 跟着电台的流行歌翩翩起舞

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

I really do


It turns out California's more than just a state of mind

加利福利亚 早已不是仅存在于梦中的地方

I met you on the boulevard wind through my hair you blew my mind

曾在大道之上与你邂逅 微风吹起我的发丝 是你撩动着我的心弦

And if I wasn't so ****** up I think I'd **** you all the time

如果我的人生还没有太糟糕的话 我想我愿意永远与你翻云覆雨

I really do


It's killing me slowly


**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

I moved to California but it's just a state of mind

启程去往加州 跨越幻想中的州际

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

It turns out everywhere you go you take yourself that's not a lie

无论你去往何处 你在乎的只你自己 绝非我信手拈来

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

Wish that you would hold me or just say that you were mine

多希望你还能够将我搂进胸怀 或只要一句你属于我

I really do


It's killing me slowly


**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

California dreamin' I got my money on my mind

加州梦啊 纸醉金迷

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

Drugs is in my vein running out of time

血脉里跳动的毒 我的时日无多

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

California dreamin' I got my money on my mind

加州梦啊 纸醉金迷

I really do


Drugs is in my vein running out of time

血脉里跳动的毒 我的时日无多

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

California dreamin' I got my money on my mind

加州梦啊 纸醉金迷

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

Drugs is in my vein running out of time

血脉里跳动的毒 我的时日无多

**** it I love you

该死 我竟如此爱你

California dreamin' I got my money on my mind

加州梦啊 纸醉金迷

I really do


Drugs is in my vein running out of time

血脉里跳动的毒 我的时日无多


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