

视频访客2024-10-14 14:53:44210A+A-
导演: 森下孝三 编剧: 手冢治虫 / 吉田玲子 资源类型:手塚治虫的佛陀美丽的红色沙漠百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载 主演: 吉永小百合 / 堺雅人 / 吉冈秀隆 / 折笠爱 / 竹内顺子 / 玄田哲章 / 水树奈奈 / 樱井孝宏 / 黑谷友香 类型: 动画 制片国家/地区: 日本 语言: 日语 上映日期: 2011-05-28(日本) 片长: 111分钟 又名: 佛陀:美丽的红色沙漠(港) / 佛陀:首部曲(台) / Tezuka Osamu no budda: Akai sabaku yo! Utsukushiku / Osamu Tezuka's Buddha: The Great Departure IMDb链接: tt1686865   剧情简介: 《手塚治虫的佛陀美丽的红色沙漠》讲述了距今2500年前,古老的印度大地战祸不断,生灵涂炭。强大的拘萨罗王国所向披靡,不断吞并周边小国。在战争阴影下,宁静的释迦国即将迎来一个伟大的生命。净饭王(観世清和 配音)的爱妃摩耶夫人按照习俗回国待产,途中生下了相貌端好的男婴,得名悉达多。悉达多自幼心地善良,美食盛筵、轻歌妙舞完全无法让他动心,而世间的生死疾苦则成为久久困扰这位华贵王子的命题。另一方面,首陀罗出身的查普拉(堺雅人 配音)发誓改变自身的命运,他抓住机遇成为拘萨罗王国布达依将军(玄田哲章 配音)的养子,最终成长为一名所向披靡的勇士,可是既定的命运难以改变。佛陀成道的前夕,黑夜初现光明…… 本片根据漫画家手塚治虫的原著《佛陀(ブッダ)》改编,为“手塚治虫のブッダ”三部曲的首部,简介中所有人名以汉地经典中的译名为准。 2005 years ago in India, a boy named Siddhartha Gautama of the kingdom Shakya is born. When Siddhartha was born there was a prophecy that the boy would become a king of all the kingdoms. At that time various kingdoms were continuously raging wars with each other. When the boy attained puberty, he associated with people from the lower class like Migaila a girl who was known as a thief. Siddhartha began to have doubts about the strict class system even though he is raised in luxury as a future king. Later, the powerful kingdom of Kosala attacks the kingdom of Shakya. Both sides fight fiercely. The commander of Kosala's army is the general's son Chapra. He is thought of as the most brave soldier in the kingdom of Kosala. Chapra was actually born into slavery but hid his background. By the general's order he came all the way up into his current position. Chapra wants to make a successful career for himself and Siddhartha abondons his family's wealth to find Tao. These two opposite persons meet in the war and changes the fate of their respective kingdoms. 资源:百度网盘 提取码:1234
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